Archive | June, 2013

Jully Black and More at Burlington’s Epic Sound of Music Festival 2013

Jully Black and more at Burlington's Epic Sound of Music Festival

Burlington’s Sound of Music 2013 reached epic proportions with incredible talents like Jully Black, 54 40, Dirty Radio being the acts we were able to catch. These were among the greatest musical talents this city graciously offered to hundreds of thousands of visitors.
Jully Black’s performance just blew us all away with her power, her ability to verbally frame her songs and sing to the heart and soul of every member of the audience. She kicked up her stillettos, ran, punched through “the glass ceiling” referring to pushing past the mind’s limitations. She cried at one point from happiness and then transformed herself into this mighty image of Jully Black I had the privilege of capturing. Fans of Jully Black can check out her wonderfulness at

Burlington Sound of Music Festival 2013, Night Crowd, photo by Paula Erskine

Burlington Sound of Music Festival 2013, Night Crowd, photo by Paula Erskine

On of the many notable acts included Raine Maida of Our Lady Peace singing with his wife singer/songwriter musician Chantal Kreviazuk playing piano. Check out Chantal at her official website and Raine Maida at My friend Alexis reported it was an inspiring performance. If I can say anything negative about the Sound of Music Festival, is that there were so many great acts playing at the same time, it was impossible to enjoy them all! Even the smaller bands featured along Brant street,(which was blocked off for pedestrians), were extremely talented but I was only able to get some musical snippets as we headed to Spencer Smith Park to the massive 3 stages.

Backtracking to the first night of free concerts offered on Thursday, it was not as insanely busy and we managed to get another great spot, near the stage and discovered the band Dirty Radio. My cousin and I marvelled at the singer Farshad Edalat’s ability to sound like Justin Timberlake’s falsetto but then bring it back down to a low, smooth groove. They managed to woo the crowd with their rock-funk-rap-edge with some middle eastern mysticism peppered in that was very easy on the ears and eyes. Even though we were not familiar with this Vancouver band’s music, it was completely danceable, heady, and I would buy their album in a heartbeat. For more info. you can become a facebook fan and listen for yourself to their unique vibe at Following them we caught a glimpse of Down with Webster which boasts more fans and a similar vibe, loads of fans and lots of energy. You can find them at If we may be so bold, Dirty Radio won us over, big time.

54 40 at Burlington Sound of Music Festival 2013. Photo by Paula Erskine

54 40 at Burlington Sound of Music Festival 2013. Photo by Paula Erskine

The Burlington Sound of Music concert series was bigger than ever with 3 main stages in Spencer Smith Park and Brant street had at least 4 bands and tons of patios to enjoy. Sundays final performances were fan filled with hip favourites 54 40. Singer Neil Osborne and indeed the entire band never cease to emanate cool as they confessed their fanship of playing on the stage following April Wine. “It just brought back our own memories of high school, pizza and listening to April Wine,” he confided to the crowd of thousands. “I love music,” he proclaimed which sent a ripple into the mounting excitement of the crowd.
Using the “excuse” of it being Sunday, and Neil feeling all spiritual, he asked the crowd if he could get an “AMEN!” Not only that, he initiated then conducted the crowd with his energy to sing the well known gospel hymn with a series of Amens which filled the air up with gratitude for sharing music with our favourite singers. There was not one audience member that was not singing this gospel with one of the coolest bands in Canada.

Sharing my love for music with my cousin Valentina and the Burlington Sound of Music Festival 2013 and Burlington's new pier.

Sharing my love for music with my cousin Valentina and the Burlington Sound of Music Festival 2013 and Burlington’s new pier.

Fireworks topped off each evening lighting up the sky after unforgettable concerts. Where in the world can you see so many headline, mainstream, underground and new acts and high school favourite acts all in one massive festival? Burlington’s unique music festival united hundreds of thousands of people in their love for the Sound of Music in 2013.

For links to all the music offered and samples just visit before it gets taken down! Click on all the links to terrific music! And don’t forget to visit next year! It is not Burlington’s only music festival, as there is also a Jazz and Rib Festival that lures people in with their Best Ribs contests and Jazz Blues rifts. But Burlington’s Sound of Music is the hippest, coolest, free-ist concert series this side of the border!

Burlington Pier 2013 Debut at Sound of Music Festival. Photo by Paula Erskine

Burlington Pier 2013 Debut at Sound of Music Festival. Photo by Paula Erskine

To compliment the entire festival, it cannot go unsaid that Burlington’s long awaited pier was so spectacular that all the mistakes associated with the construction eyesore and its abandonment was forgiven. Burlington’s pier has an Amsterdam, modern-UFO vibe to it that makes for incredible photos especially at twilight and night. I can’t say enough good things about the Burlington pier as I was so proud to show off it’s rocket ship qualities. The ever-changing colours infiltrating the Burlington waterfront skies has an international, modern yet inviting feel. The pier photo I captured emanated the musical energy of the festival, depicting notes and bars streaming through the atmosphere. The magical pier at Burlington’s waterfront is a strollers paradise. I suspect it will become a tourist hub that inspires, unites Burlington and reaches out in its appeal to those that appreciate its long awaited debut. Congratulations to the organizers of the most successful, moving, heart opening, world-class music festival in Burlington’s history that easily rivals any music festival on this great earth!

The Burlington Pier 2013 Debut, photo by Paula Erskine

The Burlington Pier 2013 Debut, photo by Paula Erskine